Collaboration, risk and resourcing

By this point in your AI journey, your charity has likely made significant progress. You understand how AI tools are being used across your organisation, you've integrated some commercial solutions, and you're exploring custom applications. These are meaningful steps forward - but lasting success with AI depends heavily on your people and organisational culture.

This chapter focuses on developing the capabilities, processes and governance needed to use AI effectively and responsibly in service of your charitable mission. While technology moves quickly, organisations change more gradually. This creates natural tension, particularly in the charity sector where resources are often limited and stakes are high when working with vulnerable people.

When to use this chapter

This guidance is most relevant for charities that have moved beyond initial AI experimentation and are looking to build sustainable, mission-aligned AI capabilities. You might be ready for this chapter if:

Your staff are actively using AI tools and asking for guidance on best practices You're considering developing custom AI solutions for specific challenges You need to establish proper governance around AI use You want to ensure AI adoption supports rather than disrupts your charitable work

What you'll learn

This chapter covers three essential areas for embedding AI capabilities in your organisation:

First, we explore how to assess and improve your data infrastructure - the foundation for most AI implementations. Rather than attempting wholesale transformation, we suggest practical approaches to enhancing data quality where it matters most for your mission.

Next, we examine how to pilot and scale custom AI tools effectively. This includes selecting appropriate early users, gathering meaningful feedback, and measuring impact through multiple lenses - always with a focus on advancing your charitable objectives.

Finally, we address governance and risk management. This spans documentation practices, responsible AI implementation, and practical approaches to identifying and mitigating risks. These sections help ensure your AI use remains aligned with your values while protecting those you serve.

A balanced approach

Throughout this chapter, we emphasise finding the right balance between enabling innovation and ensuring responsible implementation. This means creating frameworks that support rather than restrict progress, and building safeguards that protect your mission without creating unnecessary barriers.

We've seen firsthand how this balance plays out in practice. When one homelessness charity implemented an AI-powered needs assessment system, they started small - training a core team of support workers and gradually expanding based on practical experience. This measured approach helped them identify and address challenges early while maintaining focus on supporting their beneficiaries effectively.

Developing AI capabilities is an ongoing journey rather than a destination. The guidance in this chapter will help you build sustainable practices that can evolve alongside both technology and your organisation's needs.